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I've run into something and I can't tell if its intentional or not, the "it grows on me" upgrade is raising the input requirements for my iron and copper as well as the output, and with my current upgrades, its going way faster than I can possibly keep up with, so I just always have 0 of each ore unless I pause the smelter guys.

That's intended.

hmmhow is this possible

Each LORED has his own local fuel storage.

ik but look at the number its fucked up

Oh, I see. Yeah, shouldn't happen, but it makes sense. Float values can be funky in video games.

whats a float value

A float value is int values / numbers with more decimal point.

Integer: no decimal. 2, 18

Float: decimal. 0.3835

Long (not in GDScript): Integer, but can be a way bigger number. 

Double (not in GDScript): Float, but can be a way bigger number.

Nice game! There is one thing that annoys me: you can't turn off the Autobuyers (or at least I haven't figured out how). Some autobuyers will always upgrade ASAP after getting another upgrade (I RUN, The Witch of LOREDelith) and will put their inputs in the negative, which prevents the other autobuyers with this input from upgrading even though they use a tiny fraction of the input. I would love a "Crumbs" mode where the autobuyer never puts its input in the negative.

it doesnt have a linux version and the itch app cant run the web version (which i dont know is a widespread issue or not)


I just beat it. It was one of the most fun incrimental games to be released in a while.

The only part that I didn't like was it was too short. Add like 2-3 more layers and sell it on steam :D


hell yes no save system is really annoying

Are you on the right page? LORED has had a save system since the beginning.

The menu on the top left has a save option, also it autosaves every once in a while.

(1 edit)



edit: ok this happened bc google wasn't updated? wtf?

"This is why perpetual motion machines cannot work."

Coal LORED: Am I a joke to you?

Umm drillur, for the "The Loop" task, I can't see what upgrade I need, it just says "Upgrade_name," is this intentional?


Um.....the task system isn't working.
I have the finish 3 tasks mission and when a task is done.
it's not incrementing.

Expecting 1/3
finds 0/3.

There are some bugs regarding tasks and quests surrounding the Hard Reset feature.

I suggest you do another Hard Reset and then refresh immediately, as that seems to fix the bugs.

will try that.

One: hard reset the game.

Two: close and reopen the program.

No dice didn't help in my case.
hard reset quit and then re-opened the game.

found it, if you keep your save file, and just remove and rebuild the game it fixes the bug...for now.
I think it's best if players stop using the hard reset system for the time being.

I restart the game in stage2 and I have a stage2 task in stage1.

(1 edit) (+1)

the patch note window isn't closing when you click the button fixed, but now the upgrade window crashes the game.

(1 edit)

I observed the same behaviour.
Restarting the game doesn't show the patch window but the upgrade windows keeps crashing.
Deleted the old save and it keeps crashing

V 2.2.22 on Windows 10.

Metastasizing and chemotherapy isn't working.

i like how the part about online earnings has been fixed but now the patch notes don't go away when i press the red button

what does LORED mean or stand for


It's a mashing of the words ore and lord.

(1 edit)

How do I metastasize?

at the bottom of the pink stuffs upgrade menu it will be a button that says  metastasize

hey, I'd like to start off that this is an amazing game and the new update made everything look AMAZING, there's just one problem I've been having since the update. When I go to upgrade something the information tab covers it and I cannot press the upgrade button without spamming. Amazing game and love it sooooo much. 


at first, I did not really enjoy the game. it was fairly boring. but that's because I was playing it wrong. this game is not really an active game. it's truly an idle game in the fact that you should get everything going, leave it running, and then come back tomorrow. check up on the gamer and then reset and get everything going again. I've been having quite a bit of fun with it.

Well, I played, got all the upgrades, exported my save, then came back to see my progress lost.

Tried to load my save... and noticed there's no load option.


You cannot import your save in the browser version. It's impossible. You can on the Windows version, though

Alright, thanks for that.

Hey, could you give me the embed code that allows for html5 gameplay, I would like this because I'm making an unblocked games website for my class.

No, I use Godot, it does the HTML stuff for me. I know very limited HTML.

But, I suppose I could paste the code in the index.html file, if that would help

Idk but I like your game anyway.

The game badly needs a way to be able to sell Lored's, I have 100% softlocked my game by over-leveling sand. I get 1 humus every 5 seconds, and I need 49,000 to get my sand to run again. All for 4 tasks are 'make sand', and the upgrades I have available require sand or glass.

Not sure if there's anyway out, I can't see it if there is.

If you message me your save, I can mark the quest as completed for you.

This has been an issue for a few others, as well. I think the solution isn't to sell LORED levels, but to limit the tasks so that only one can require a specific resource.

Did i beat the game


Stage 3 is being worked on. For now, you're done!


Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

dunno what happened but i now have 10 malignancy so we gaming

Is horse doodie the last task

no i believe the get 30 radioactive task

there should be a way to skip tasks because I currently have 4 sand tasks while it takes multiple minutes to have sand get produced. Either give a way to skip tasks, or make sand harder to purchase so people don't fuck themselves over. 

How slow is this when it's offline? And why do people always make it run slower? Do you just want to get everyone to keep it running in the background?

There's an offline boost instead of offline earnings.

It says Webgl not available I don't really know how to fix it.

Is that a hardware issue?


nvm it fixed. Thanks!

Had the same issue with my browser on my other PC...really seems to be a problem on your PC not with the game...

so apparently it might have to do something with the offline multiplier because i got to play for like 10m but as soon as it ended the screen froze  

Game randomly freezes, requiring refreshes and losing progress.


the game keeps crashing 

when ever i load in i play and the game just freezes after a minute or so

The animation for the Trees is easily the best

Sand is just funny

(1 edit)

suggestions: un-hold and un-halt all buttons (possibly get them from one of the starter main quests.)

magic upgrades should be toggle-able after you have 5 of them, maybe you could have to buy a magic upgrade to halt the magic upgrades of your choice.

make more games, this one is pretty fun, and you're defiantly going places if you continue down the game dev road.

change it so when you get to 1 mil instead of 1.08e or whatever just have 1m/1mil.


forgot to ask, but is this game on steam? if not you should put it on there, it could be a good way to get your name bigger.


Hell yeah i would spend money for that!

I am currently planning on putting it on Steam.


There are notation options in the menu. I can add one like that, I suppose!

Thanks for your kind words 🤩

(1 edit)

Bruh, my whole f****ing game got restarted

Edit: I also didn't save the game

Did you metasize without upgrading anything in the malignant menu? Here's how it works:

1.You produce malignance with the malignance lored

2.You spend the malignance in the malignant menu

3.You metalize by confirming that in the malignant menu, and you restart the game, only with the new upgrades you got previously from the mm carry over

The same goes with the tumor lored, only that you reset the mm upgrades too.

(1 edit)

I already metalized once. I literally got on to the game and my progress was gone

Every once in a while, try to save manually. This should prevent this from happening again. Make sure cookies are on too.


Please try the windows version, if you can. The web save is stored not as a cookie but something similar. An exported web save can only be used in the windows version anyway, as it is impossible to import to the web version using the Godot game engine.

Holy cow, I have never once considered people resetting without buying any upgrades. I definitely need some kind of check for that

The its growin on me malignancy upgrade really screwed me over

can you make it to where you can turn upgrades on and off after purchase


drillur has best tycoon 

capitalist be like doe

Can you add a way to move the LOREDs around on the screen, customization maybe?

Why gun shoot iron ore?


because evil

Can you add a new way to export the save currently i'm on my school chromebook playing it and ofc they have the console blocked so if possible ty.

No, sir! This is the only possible way, using the Godot game engine. Sorry! 

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