works now but if I can recall (goldfish memory) the screen was flashing? or something, forgot word to describe it. Like it was going slightly bigger to normal screen size, but not when I had full screen
It could be that there is a rendering/display bug. Do you see the menu bar at the top left of the screen, and both of the big Upgrade buttons on the left?
isn't this the place where the save files for the older version of the game are? I think that in the newer version of the game the saves are in a different place
Nope. I'm using Godot Engine, and actually the path I tell the engine to save the file to is this: "user://". The engine then uses that path based on the device/platform the player is on to put it in the correct folder. That folder is the same for Godot 4 as it was for Godot 3, which is the engine version the last LORED version used.
That also explains why idk where it saves the file to for HTML, because all I know is "user://"
For some reason, performing a hard reset when having stage 2 unlocked does not hard reset the tasks. It is still possible to get ones that want you to make water when you cannot make water.
The version which will be playable in-browser will be the new version next Monday, replacing the current one.
If you wish to keep your save for the old version, export it now!
You can keep playing the old version at any time by playing the downloadable version. The old version will always be kept available for download for free.
Why do LOREDs only upgrade automatically when they have a negative output? Wouldn't it make more sense to upgrade them as many times as possible without putting anything else into the red?
im pretty sure ive officially beaten the game (all upgrades purchased and active) and i gotta say its a really really good game. thank you for making this!
my favorite part of that is how the verb is "pinch" implying that the stick figure has no control over stopping this and can only pinch the growth off when it gets too bad.
To avoid these kinds of soft-locks, the coming update will introduce alternate jobs at a lower priority which have different costs. For example, Axes will be able to work using solely Steel (at a much higher rate), avoiding the scenario where there is insufficient Hardwood to work the normal job.
Put your lil mouse over the animation for Sand! It will say something like "given x humus, can produce y sand". You can do that with any LORED to see which resources it requires to work
Sounds like you haven't got cookies enabled. Try enabling that
I believe the save is stored in local storage, so make sure the option to not delete that is on before refreshing. You can test if it worked by opening a new tab and trying to load your save on that tab--but if it didn't work, you must close that tab and then save again. Don't delete cookies either
Really the easiest way is to download the game and play it that way
This is a wonderful game, I only wish there was more content! It absolutely could be expanded upon and introduced into the app store for more commercial success.
for real, you need to sell this game. I think the majority of us are willing to shell out cash for the 3.0 release. I know i will. How much do you think is good for the work you put in?
I've looked at other games in the genre on the market and I'm comfortable with $5 for the price. The only thing I'm not sure about is whether I should keep it free on Itch while it is $5 on Steam. Gotta research that!
marple did that thing where it's money on steam but old version on itch so people can get a feel for it, that might be a good way to do things, then have a teaser for the 3.0 release or whatever like... X amount more loreds and upgrades or whatever, and spitball how much new playtime it has
I stopped playing last night and when I came back today, it was somebody else's game, with literal millions of resources, skipped over time I was looking forward to playing... How do I disable offline mode?
Leave the tab open when you put your PC to sleep, if you're on PC and you put it to sleep. The offline earnings won't calculate if you put it to sleep.
But truthfully, not much can be skipped with offline earnings. It might seem like it, but it's not that powerful because when you're playing, the LOREDs are leveling up which doubles their output. You could have surpassed offline earnings in a short time!
But I don't see a reason why I couldn't add an option to disable offline earnings in 3.0.0!
When stage three comes out, are there gonna be animations for the rest of the stage 2 LORED's? Also, will the bug where resources in the negative and malignancy stop showing up at the top after you go to stage 2 be fixed? Love the game btw, this is like my 17th time beating it.
I need lore on how the copper ingot guy smelts ores over a campfire while holding them with his dick. or am i just stupid and it looks like his dick but isnt
Slight bug, sometimes the Wire LORED displays 0/s even when it's clearly making a profit, regardless of how many times I upgrade it. Anyway, beat this in nine days, though a few of those I didn't play due to the new Fortnite season or family gatherings.
I'm not worried about bugs in this version anymore, at this point the code is completely new.
But I am curious if this bug was happening after you had a crit chance of > 0% on Wire! The net rate display does not account for crits. So it is actually displaying the minimum possible net rate.
← Return to game
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How expensie is the steam relase gonna be?
screen is a bit buggy when not in full screen in web version
game is funny and cool though
This uig is pretty annoying for me on my end because of a pillar in my screen that just displays nothing but black
time to buy a new monitor bro
I'm on laptop 😭
Buggy how?
Before I made a change, I had to switch Stretch mode on and off. Does doing that help with whatever you're talking about?
works now but if I can recall (goldfish memory) the screen was flashing? or something, forgot word to describe it. Like it was going slightly bigger to normal screen size, but not when I had full screen
also, im a bit stupid, what does the safety wheel mean?
What are you supposed to do in the beginning? I tried clicking on the "Stone Lored" tab and it did nothing.
It could be that there is a rendering/display bug. Do you see the menu bar at the top left of the screen, and both of the big Upgrade buttons on the left?
Buy those Upgrades and level up the Stone guy.
Everything was fixed after I full-screened. Thank you for the help though.
good question, where are files in new version?
It saves to a virtual filesystem via IndexedDB. This can be found in AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default
As for the actual save, I'm not certain it creates a file. No idea how it works.
you don't know where the save file is in the new downloadable version of the game?
most sane itch io creator😌
All's I'm sayin is, I love makin games, but dear lored I hate making html games. I'll always push for the downloadable versions the most
For the downloadable version, the save files are located here:
isn't this the place where the save files for the older version of the game are? I think that in the newer version of the game the saves are in a different place
Nope. I'm using Godot Engine, and actually the path I tell the engine to save the file to is this: "user://". The engine then uses that path based on the device/platform the player is on to put it in the correct folder. That folder is the same for Godot 4 as it was for Godot 3, which is the engine version the last LORED version used.
That also explains why idk where it saves the file to for HTML, because all I know is "user://"
While I'm very annoyed i have to start all over it does not even compare to the annoyance of being unable to export my save from browser to .exe
Hi - the update is comparable to a new game. Stages 1 and 2 feature the same characters, but all new mechanics.
And sure thing, exporting the save ought to be ezpz to patch in
For some reason, performing a hard reset when having stage 2 unlocked does not hard reset the tasks. It is still possible to get ones that want you to make water when you cannot make water.
The version which will be playable in-browser will be the new version next Monday, replacing the current one.
If you wish to keep your save for the old version, export it now!
You can keep playing the old version at any time by playing the downloadable version. The old version will always be kept available for download for free.
finally! i can't wait my hero!!!
Why do LOREDs only upgrade automatically when they have a negative output? Wouldn't it make more sense to upgrade them as many times as possible without putting anything else into the red?
it depends on if the resource is useful, and if what it costs to upgrade is more useful
But for the coming update, there are a handful of autobuyer options which should satisfy most people
Is there a way to turn off auto normal upgrades? I've been grinding for a malignant upgrade and I don't want to spend that malignancy.
I don't remember if this feature is included in this current version, but you might be able to toggle Upgrades. If not, NOPE
Sure would be cool to get Lored stage 3 before GTA VI
Hardwood animation when
It's done (for Stage 3)!
Is there anything after Radiative Upgrades? The options box hints there are 4 stages, but I can't seem to see a way to progress past stage 2...
good game 15 out of 3
when will 3.0.0 be released
Even if the very last thing I do before I die is click "Upload" from my deathbed, Stage 3 will be released. Hold ur lil humus horses!
im pretty sure ive officially beaten the game (all upgrades purchased and active) and i gotta say its a really really good game. thank you for making this!
what tf is the growth animation?
my favorite part of that is how the verb is "pinch" implying that the stick figure has no control over stopping this and can only pinch the growth off when it gets too bad.
he seems pretty happy to do it tho so
when will 3.0.0 be released
Please function as stop limit break and stop select stage upgrade.
i'm stage 2. and upgrade limit break.
when i spend long time on stage one, increase limit break again and again.
and try too product some stage 2, became that happen.
you can't make log because not enought axe, you can't make axe because not enought hardwood, and you can't make hard wood beacuse not enought log.
so pleas tooggle limit break, or some kind.
other the most anoying is sign of "Hey, you can upgrade some stage2 thing", but if im uppgrade it, not enought too start stage 2 and need to reset.
To avoid these kinds of soft-locks, the coming update will introduce alternate jobs at a lower priority which have different costs. For example, Axes will be able to work using solely Steel (at a much higher rate), avoiding the scenario where there is insufficient Hardwood to work the normal job.
how do you get sand i cant figrue it out?
Put your lil mouse over the animation for Sand! It will say something like "given x humus, can produce y sand". You can do that with any LORED to see which resources it requires to work
Thanks You
Can you add a way to download your save?
Check the save menu for exporting methods!
when will 3.0.0 be released
Is there a way to halt all at once
I like how sometimes when I hover over things it says like "14 centuries" like mf i'm not gonna be alive to play this game by then 😭
7.08e6 Millenia 😭😭😭
Love the art style and its little animations
When i refresh my browser,my save will be reset.How can i solve this problem?
Sounds like you haven't got cookies enabled. Try enabling that
I believe the save is stored in local storage, so make sure the option to not delete that is on before refreshing. You can test if it worked by opening a new tab and trying to load your save on that tab--but if it didn't work, you must close that tab and then save again. Don't delete cookies either
Really the easiest way is to download the game and play it that way
thx,I'm playing desktop version now
This is a wonderful game, I only wish there was more content! It absolutely could be expanded upon and introduced into the app store for more commercial success.
Thanks for those kind words! I'll have 3.0.0 finished soon! Ish!
for real, you need to sell this game. I think the majority of us are willing to shell out cash for the 3.0 release. I know i will. How much do you think is good for the work you put in?
I've looked at other games in the genre on the market and I'm comfortable with $5 for the price. The only thing I'm not sure about is whether I should keep it free on Itch while it is $5 on Steam. Gotta research that!
marple did that thing where it's money on steam but old version on itch so people can get a feel for it, that might be a good way to do things, then have a teaser for the 3.0 release or whatever like... X amount more loreds and upgrades or whatever, and spitball how much new playtime it has
I stopped playing last night and when I came back today, it was somebody else's game, with literal millions of resources, skipped over time I was looking forward to playing... How do I disable offline mode?
Leave the tab open when you put your PC to sleep, if you're on PC and you put it to sleep. The offline earnings won't calculate if you put it to sleep.
But truthfully, not much can be skipped with offline earnings. It might seem like it, but it's not that powerful because when you're playing, the LOREDs are leveling up which doubles their output. You could have surpassed offline earnings in a short time!
But I don't see a reason why I couldn't add an option to disable offline earnings in 3.0.0!
Thank you! The option would be very welcome. I tried manually editing the save file but was not familiar with Godot's(?) format.
It's base 64-encrypted. You can decode it online. But you cannot import saves to the browser version anyway!
i now have all the upgrades. everything is done...
and alexander wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.
there should be an option to keep the loreds animations going faster and faster. push it to the limit even.
Fair enough! I like it!
my game rewinded to a previous state. how does that even work?
what the hell is a 0.01 completed task?
Idk but it's obvious that whoever made this crap is a hack fraud loser
"Beat" the game in about 2 days. Can't wait for stage 3!
When stage three comes out, are there gonna be animations for the rest of the stage 2 LORED's? Also, will the bug where resources in the negative and malignancy stop showing up at the top after you go to stage 2 be fixed? Love the game btw, this is like my 17th time beating it.
3.0.0 will have no missing animations!
The top bar will be removed in 3.0.0.
Do you have an estimated time we can look forward to the release of 3.0.0 or is it still at a stage where that's not a reasonable thing to ask of you?
Probably a few months from now, if the stars freaking align. 3 months is my current guess! 🤞
Nice! Looking forward to it! Thanks for the response :)
i'll probably donate 5 to 10 dollars when 3.0 drops. Honestly it's worth 5 now, but i imagine stage 3 will be massive
Does our data use cookies or can it transfer to other computers
Nevermind my entire game just reset itself so not all my data is completely gone QnQ
There Must be LORED Lore lol
Just u wait until Stage 3 buddy boy Mr Man sir, just you freakin wait
I need lore on how the copper ingot guy smelts ores over a campfire while holding them with his dick. or am i just stupid and it looks like his dick but isnt
Ain't no way bro would roast his johnson over a fire
are there going to be updates soon, cuz I don't want to lose my progress
the dev is working on stage 3, when it's released you will be able to start there
okay :)
Slight bug, sometimes the Wire LORED displays 0/s even when it's clearly making a profit, regardless of how many times I upgrade it. Anyway, beat this in nine days, though a few of those I didn't play due to the new Fortnite season or family gatherings.
I'm not worried about bugs in this version anymore, at this point the code is completely new.
But I am curious if this bug was happening after you had a crit chance of > 0% on Wire! The net rate display does not account for crits. So it is actually displaying the minimum possible net rate.
I've beat the game for 3 days! I bought all upgrades, especially radiative ones! So, I can't go over 2-nd stage. Please, update the game!