

- Added a check in the SaveManager script which validates that the data it is about to save to file can be loaded. If it cannot, it will not save. Hopefully this will prevent anymore corrupted saves.

- Changed the layout of the Cash Shop, and added a last Squirtling received indicator.

- Purpose's Juiced Haste multiplier has been increased from 0.1 to 0.9, while its primary effect has been reverted to what it was pre 0.1.16.

- HTML Version - May have fixed the flickering when the browser's zoom is less than 100%!

- Added an Import from Clipboard button for desktop versions in the Load Menu.

- When starting a new game, if the DPI of the user's main screen is greater than 96 (magic number), then the stretch scale will default to 1.5. This will assist high DPI peeps who be playing the game like that one Ken Jeong gif.

- Removed the Quit buttons from the HTML version. Dat no make senze.

- Tanks no longer increases the Juice Drink Amount before Metastasizing.

- Occasionally, after Metastasizing, some players were unable to purchase the level 1 Tarball LORED, making it so they could never produce anymore Malignancy (there were workarounds, but that's besides the point). I made it so if the LORED is at level 0 and you can afford the Iron price, it will allow the purchase even if you cannot afford the 10 Malignancy.


LORED - Browser Play in browser
2 days ago
LORED - Windows 43 MB
2 days ago
LORED - Linux 39 MB
2 days ago


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